Health & Safety

The wellbeing and safety of our team is paramount, it is our belief that every employee has the right to a safe work environment and to make it home without injury at the end of every day.
Our management team accepts the responsibility for the prevention of accidents through the identification, elimination or minimisation of workplace hazards and the promotion of safety awareness among employees and contractors.
Banagher Precast Concrete abides by all statutory acts & regulations as a minimum standard and continuously strives to maintain a level of safety that extends beyond all legal requirements.
Not only do we employ strict safety standards throughout our precast production plant we take it a step further by incorporating safety by design into our precast where possible. Promoting the use of inherently stable Bridge Beams and advocating the safe delivery and installation of our precast.
In 2017 we won the National Health & Safety Risk Management Best Precast Award in recognition of our commitment to health and safety by the Independent Concrete Control Management.
In 2020 we were ISO 45001 certified which is testament to our ongoing commitment to the health and safety of our team.