Chief Engineer, Eamon Stack, 40 Year Anniversary

Happy 40-year work anniversary Eamon Stack! It’s not an exaggeration to say & we think you’ll agree that Eamon is one of the most influential bridge beam Engineers of our time. As our Chief Engineer he continues to be an intrinsic part of the team and to influence the infrastructure landscape of the UK & Ireland.
Did you know that Eamon designed the very first U beams used in Ireland back in 1991 on the N11 for Arup & Coffey Construction, the structure originally designed as post-tensioned deck was redesigned as 29 metre U beams. It became the first integral bridge with prestressed beams in Ireland and from there U beams started to become more commonly used.
As many of you know Eamon has a passion for designing hard-working efficient structures, “a deeper beam is a cheaper beam”, and so in 2005 he developed the now industry standard W beam as a solution for longer spans. Eamon called the first beam a W13 to run on from where the U12 stopped & to allow scope for shorter & longer W beams. The first W beams were 36 metres long and installed on the Kinsale Road Roundabout for Ascon Construction & Mott MacDonald.
In 2007 Eamon developed what is perhaps his second favourite beam type (a close run competition with the double-tee we’d wager!) – the MY beam, an efficient and more environmentally friendly solution for shorter spans up to 19 metres, known in-house as our ‘Green Beam’.
Then in late 2020 the icing on the cake – the record breaking 50 metre 155 tonne W beams! Eamon always said it could be done and after close collaboration with the team on the N22 Macroom Bypass the longest prestressed concrete bridge beams in the UK or Ireland were manufactured (see photo).
A keen contributor to the Concrete Bridge Development Group Eamon continues to be a highly respected bridge beam innovator and is known to Consulting Engineers near and far, he’ll readily admit that he’s forever busy but despite his protestations he’ll always take a look and tease out a solution. Here’s to many more years Eamon, thank you and congrats!