Tread Softly Environmental Policy

We aim to continuously improve our Environmental Management System by vigorously challenging our existing outputs – our aim is to Tread Softly and minimise our impact on the environment for this generation and for those yet to come.
- Banagher Precast Concrete’s primary manufacturing facility is completely encased in area of Special Conservation (SAC) so we constantly monitor our noise, dust and sound emissions ensuring that we do not have a negative impact on our local natural surroundings
- We have planted acres of oak woodland locally & created a wildlife habitat with a fresh water lake stocked with indigenous fish to counter balance our outputs and leave a positive lasting legacy
- We are ISO 14001 certified and we ensure that our suppliers have ISO 14001, BES 6001 or are CARES, BRE, PEFC or FSC certified
- We use Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS), which is a recycled material, in our mix design where feasible in order to increase the recycled content of the concrete and reduce the environmental impact of a structure or precast element
- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Our waste concrete is reused for concrete lego blocks, we operate a closed-loop water system to reuse water, we have introduced adjustable steel moulds to reduce our use of timber and any timber and steel waste is recycled
- We work with design consultants to develop proposals which aim to make precast units lighter and structurally more efficient where feasible in order to reduce the carbon footprint and the embodied energy of a structure
- We design & manufacture environmentally friendlier efficient bridge beams (Banagher MY Beam)
- Our continuous investment in plant equipment ensure efficiencies and our use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) eliminates project clashes and subsequent waste, our aim is right-first-time
- Banagher Precast Concrete are also proud to be collaborating with Irish & UK universities on European research projects which are seeking the development of sustainable, low carbon, precast concrete infrastructure. Visit: Reshealience & Eirocrete to find out more